
This commit is contained in:
Mylloon 2023-12-06 09:51:18 +01:00
parent e8c6f8da9b
commit f9c8d3e2f9
Signed by: Anri
GPG key ID: A82D63DFF8D1317F

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@ -444,11 +444,30 @@ and synth_read
let refty = synth_expression tenv ref in
HopixTypes.destruct_reference_type ref.position refty
and synth_branch
: HopixTypes.typing_environment -> HopixTypes.aty -> branch Position.located
-> HopixTypes.aty option -> HopixTypes.aty option
fun tenv casety branch branchty ->
let (Branch (p, e)) = branch.value in
let given_case, tenv' = synth_pattern tenv p in
check_equal_types p.position ~expected:casety ~given:given_case;
let given_branch = synth_expression tenv' e in
(match branchty with
| None -> ()
| Some ty' -> check_equal_types e.position ~expected:ty' ~given:given_branch);
Some given_branch
and synth_case
: HopixTypes.typing_environment -> expression Position.located
-> branch Position.located list -> HopixTypes.aty
fun tenv expr branches -> failwith "Students! This is your job! (synth_case)"
fun tenv expr branches ->
let casety = synth_expression tenv expr in
(* Test les branches *)
match List.fold_right (synth_branch tenv casety) branches None with
| Some branchesty -> branchesty
| None -> HopixTypes.type_error expr.position "No types found."
and synth_ifthenelse
: HopixTypes.typing_environment -> expression Position.located