# The Flap Compiler ## Prerequisites Flap requires **OCaml 4.10+**, as well as the tools and libraries listed below. They should be installed prior to attempting to build Flap. - The **dune** build system. - The **utop** enhanced interactive toplevel. - The **pprint** library. - The **menhir** parser generator and library. - The **sexplib** library. - The **ppx_sexp_conv** syntax extension. The easiest way to install them is via OPAM. `` opam install dune utop pprint menhir sexplib ppx_sexp_conv `` In addition, running the test requires the [cram](https://bitheap.org/cram/) tool. It is probably provided by your Linux distribution. ## Build instructions To compile the compiler, run `dune build` from this directory. To run the compiler, run `dune exec ./src/flap.exe -- OPTIONS file` from this directory. Alternatively, `flap.exe` can be found in `_build/default/src/`. The test suite can be found in the `tests` directory. See the README there.