@article{10.2138/am.2007.2573, author = {Nestola, F. and Ballaran, T. Boffa and Balic-Zunic, T. and Princivalle, F. and Secco, L. and Dal Negro, A.}, doi = {10.2138/am.2007.2573}, eprint = {https://pubs.geoscienceworld.org/msa/ammin/article-pdf/92/11-12/1838/3620234/8\_2573Nestola.pdf}, issn = {0003-004X}, journal = {American Mineralogist}, month = {11}, number = {11-12}, pages = {1838-1843}, title = {{Comparative compressibility and structural behavior of spinel MgAl2O4 at high pressures: The independency on the degree of cation order}}, url = {https://doi.org/10.2138/am.2007.2573}, volume = {92}, year = {2007} } @article{RedfernHarrisonONeillWood+1999+299+310, author = {Simon A.T. Redfern and Richard J. Harrison and Hugh St.C. O’Neill and David R.R. Wood}, doi = {doi:10.2138/am-1999-0313}, journal = {American Mineralogist}, lastchecked = {2024-02-07}, number = {3}, pages = {299--310}, title = {Thermodynamics and kinetics of cation ordering in MgAl2O4 spinel up to 1600 °C from in situ neutron diffraction}, url = {https://doi.org/10.2138/am-1999-0313}, volume = {84}, year = {1999} } @inproceedings{Prencipe2008FirstPH, author = {Mauro Prencipe and Roman Belousov and Fabrizio Nestola}, booktitle = {1st SIMP-AIC Joint Meeting}, title = {First principles HF/DT calculations of structure and compressibility of an Al-defective spinel}, url = {https://api.semanticscholar.org/CorpusID:103552248}, year = {2008} }