Fork 0

* very basic inference

* basic tests (not all passes)
* apply, unify and compose are here but they may contains bugs
This commit is contained in:
Mylloon 2024-03-28 19:20:37 +01:00
parent 9d3e175a88
commit 03e0e0244d
Signed by: Anri
GPG key ID: A82D63DFF8D1317F
5 changed files with 95 additions and 23 deletions

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@ -1,19 +1,32 @@
(** Infer the type of a given term and, if exists, returns the type of the term *)
let rec typeof = function
| Term.Var _ ->
(* Une variable n'a pas de type *)
| Term.Var _ -> None
| Term.IntConst _ -> Some Type.Int
| Term.Binop (t1, _, t2) ->
(* Les 2 types de l'opération sont égaux *)
(match typeof t1, typeof t2 with
| Some (_ as ty1), Some (_ as ty2) -> if ty1 = ty2 then Some ty1 else None
| ty1, ty2 when ty1 = ty2 -> Some Type.Int
| _ -> None)
| Term.Pair (t1, t2) ->
(* On forme le produit *)
(* Pair give Products *)
(match typeof t1, typeof t2 with
| Some ty1, Some ty2 -> Some (Type.Product (ty1, ty2))
| _ -> None)
| Term.Proj (_proj, _t) -> failwith "TODO"
| Term.Fun (_, _) -> failwith "TODO"
| Term.App (_t1, _t2) -> failwith "TODO"
| Term.Proj (proj, t) ->
(* Projections returns type of product based on the projection type *)
(match proj, typeof t with
| Term.First, Some (Type.Product (ty, _)) | Term.Second, Some (Type.Product (_, ty))
-> Some ty
| _, _ -> None)
| Term.Fun (id, t) ->
(match typeof t with
| Some body_type -> Some (Type.Arrow (Type.Int, body_type))
| None -> Some (Type.Var id))
| Term.App (t1, t2) ->
(match typeof t1, typeof t2 with
| Some (Type.Arrow (ty_arg, ty_res)), Some ty_arg' ->
(* Unification for application *)
(match Unification.unify ty_arg ty_arg' with
| Some subst -> Some (TypeSubstitution.apply subst ty_res)
| None -> None)
| _ -> None)

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@ -1,4 +1,38 @@
type t = Type.t Map.Make(Identifier).t
(** Map of an id to a type *)
module IdentifierMap = Map.Make (Identifier)
let apply _t _tt = failwith "TODO"
let compose _s2 _s1 = failwith "TODO"
(** Map type *)
type t = Type.t IdentifierMap.t
(* Empty substitution *)
let empty = IdentifierMap.empty
(** Create a substitution with one element *)
let singleton id ty = IdentifierMap.singleton id ty
(** Apply substitution to a type *)
let rec apply subst = function
| Type.Var id as t ->
(match IdentifierMap.find_opt id subst with
| Some ty' -> apply subst ty'
| None -> t)
| Type.Int -> Type.Int
| Type.Product (ty1, ty2) -> Type.Product (apply subst ty1, apply subst ty2)
| Type.Arrow (ty1, ty2) -> Type.Arrow (apply subst ty1, apply subst ty2)
(** Compose two substitutions *)
let compose s2 s1 =
(fun _ ty1 ty2 ->
match ty1, ty2 with
(* If we have 2, we pick one of them *)
| Some ty1, Some _ -> Some (apply s2 ty1)
(* If we have 1, we pick the one we have *)
| Some ty1, None -> Some (apply s2 ty1)
| None, Some ty2 -> Some (apply s2 ty2)
(* If we have 0, we return nothing *)
| None, None -> None)

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@ -4,3 +4,5 @@ val apply : t -> Type.t -> Type.t
(* compose s2 s1 : first s1, then s2 *)
val compose : t -> t -> t
val empty : t
val singleton : Identifier.t -> Type.t -> Type.t Map.Make(Identifier).t

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@ -1 +1,16 @@
let unify _ty1 _ty2 = failwith "TODO"
(** Unify 2 types and, if exists, returns the substitution *)
let rec unify ty1 ty2 =
match ty1, ty2 with
| Type.Product (p1_ty1, p1_ty2), Type.Product (p2_ty1, p2_ty2)
| Type.Arrow (p1_ty1, p1_ty2), Type.Arrow (p2_ty1, p2_ty2) ->
(match unify p1_ty1 p2_ty1 with
| Some s1 ->
unify (TypeSubstitution.apply s1 p1_ty2) (TypeSubstitution.apply s1 p2_ty2)
| Some s2 -> Some (TypeSubstitution.compose s2 s1)
| None -> None)
| None -> None)
| ty1, ty2 when ty1 = ty2 -> Some TypeSubstitution.empty
| _ -> None

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@ -3,30 +3,38 @@ open TypeInference
let tests_typeof =
let x = Identifier.fresh () in
let y = Identifier.fresh () in
[ (* Int Const *)
let z = Identifier.fresh () in
[ (* IntConst *)
"0", Term.IntConst 0, Some Type.Int
; (* Correct function *)
; (* int -> int -> int = <fun> *)
( "fun x -> fun y -> x + y"
, Term.(Fun (x, Fun (y, Binop (Var x, Plus, Var y))))
, Some Type.(Arrow (Int, Arrow (Int, Int))) )
; (* Not typed variable *)
"x", Var "x", None
; (* Operation *)
"1 + 2", Binop (IntConst 1, Plus, IntConst 2), Some Int
"x", Term.(Var "x"), None
; (* Binary operation *)
"1 + 2", Term.(Binop (IntConst 1, Plus, IntConst 2)), Some Type.Int
; (* Pair *)
"(1, 2)", Pair (IntConst 1, IntConst 2), Some (Product (Int, Int))
"(1, 2)", Term.(Pair (IntConst 1, IntConst 2)), Some Type.(Product (Int, Int))
; (* Projection with first *)
"fst (1, 2)", Proj (First, Pair (IntConst 1, IntConst 2)), Some Int
"fst (1, 2)", Term.(Proj (First, Pair (IntConst 1, IntConst 2))), Some Type.Int
; (* Projection with second *)
"snd (1, 2)", Proj (Second, Pair (IntConst 1, IntConst 2)), Some Int
"snd (1, 2)", Term.(Proj (Second, Pair (IntConst 1, IntConst 2))), Some Type.Int
; (* Apply (int) into (fun : int -> int) *)
( "(fun x -> x + 1) 5"
, App (Fun (x, Binop (Var x, Plus, IntConst 1)), IntConst 5)
, Term.(App (Fun (x, Binop (Var x, Plus, IntConst 1)), IntConst 5))
, Some Type.Int )
; (* Apply product (int * int) into a not compatible function (fun : int -> int) *)
( "(fun x -> x + 1) (1, 2)"
, App (Fun (x, Binop (Var x, Plus, IntConst 1)), Pair (IntConst 1, IntConst 2))
, Term.(App (Fun (x, Binop (Var x, Plus, IntConst 1)), Pair (IntConst 1, IntConst 2)))
, None )
; (* x -> y -> (x -> y -> z) -> z *)
( "fun x y -> fun z -> z x y"
, Term.(Fun (x, Fun (y, Fun (z, App (Var z, App (Var x, Var y))))))
, Some
Arrow (Var x, Arrow (Var y, Arrow (Arrow (Var x, Arrow (Var y, Var z)), Var z))))