Fork 0

nested application

This commit is contained in:
Mylloon 2024-04-30 13:36:12 +02:00
parent 5daa03cb1a
commit dc1efb51e2
Signed by: Anri
GPG key ID: A82D63DFF8D1317F
4 changed files with 62 additions and 22 deletions

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@ -27,7 +27,10 @@ let typeof t =
(match TypeSubstitution.find id env' with
| Some ty -> Some ty, env'
| None -> None, env')
| _ -> None, env)
(* Directly the type *)
| Some ty, _ -> Some ty, env
(* Bad typed *)
| None, _ -> None, env)
| Term.Fun (id, body) ->
let arg = TypeSubstitution.singleton id (Type.Var id) in
(match infer (TypeSubstitution.compose arg env) body with
@ -39,14 +42,21 @@ let typeof t =
| Term.App (t1, t2) ->
(* Infer the type of t1 and t2 *)
(match infer env t1, infer env t2 with
| (Some (Type.Arrow (ty_param, _)), _), (Some ty_args, _) ->
| (Some (Type.Arrow (ty_param, ty_fn)), _), (Some ty_args, _) ->
(* Check if the argument type matches the parameter type *)
(match Unification.unify ty_param ty_args with
| Some env' ->
(* Infer again now that we have some extra typing infos *)
(match infer env' t1 with
| Some (Type.Arrow (_, ty_fn)), env'' -> Some ty_fn, env''
| _ -> None, env)
let rec nested_infer oldenv currenv final =
if TypeSubstitution.equal oldenv currenv
then Some final, currenv
else (
match infer currenv t1 with
| Some (Type.Arrow (_, ty_fn)), newenv ->
nested_infer currenv newenv ty_fn
| _ -> None, currenv)
(* Nested *)
nested_infer env env' ty_fn
| None -> None, env)
(* | (Some (Type.Var _ as ty1), _), _ ->
(* On this case we may have a function represented as a variable *)

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@ -24,22 +24,19 @@ let rec apply subst = function
(** Compose two substitutions, last with priority *)
let compose s2 s1 =
let merger =
(* ID type_s1 type_s2 *)
(fun _ ty1 ty2 ->
match ty1, ty2 with
(* Give priority to s1 *)
| Some ty1', Some _ -> Some ty1'
(* Use of the substitution we already have *)
| Some ty1', None -> Some ty1'
| None, Some ty2' -> Some ty2'
(* Variable untyped *)
| None, None -> None)
(* ID type_s1 type_s2 *)
(fun _ ty1 ty2 ->
match ty1, ty2 with
(* Give priority to s1 *)
| Some ty1', Some _ -> Some ty1'
(* Use of the substitution we already have *)
| Some ty1', None -> Some ty1'
| None, Some ty2' -> Some ty2'
(* Variable untyped *)
| None, None -> None)
let to_string map =
@ -57,3 +54,24 @@ let to_string map =
let find = IdentifierMap.find_opt
let equal map1 map2 =
let l_map1 = List.length (IdentifierMap.bindings map1) in
let l_map2 = List.length (IdentifierMap.bindings map2) in
if l_map1 = l_map2 && l_map1 = 0
then (* Two empty maps *)
else (
(* Iterate over the largest map *)
let map_forall, map_find = if l_map1 > l_map2 then map1, map2 else map2, map1 in
(fun key value ->
match IdentifierMap.find_opt key map_find with
| Some value' ->
(* Equality between the two keys *)
value = value'
| _ ->
(* Key in map_find doesn't exists in map_forall *)

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@ -8,3 +8,4 @@ val empty : t
val singleton : Identifier.t -> Type.t -> t
val find : Identifier.t -> t -> Type.t option
val to_string : t -> string
val equal : t -> t -> bool

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@ -51,6 +51,17 @@ let tests_typeof =
, Term.(
App (App (Fun (x, Fun (y, Binop (Var x, Plus, Var y))), IntConst 3), IntConst 4))
, Some Type.Int )
; (* Function with nested pair *)
( "(fun x -> fst x) (1, 2)"
, Term.(App (Fun (x, Proj (First, Var x)), Pair (IntConst 1, IntConst 2)))
, Some Type.Int )
; (* Function application with nested pair and projection *)
( "(fun x -> fst (snd x)) ((1, 2), 3)"
, Term.(
( Fun (x, Proj (First, Proj (Second, Var x)))
, Pair (Pair (IntConst 1, IntConst 2), IntConst 3) ))
, Some Type.Int )