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Pass the two tests eww

This commit is contained in:
Mylloon 2024-04-13 15:51:57 +02:00
parent c064359888
commit e75d5170c8
Signed by: Anri
GPG key ID: A82D63DFF8D1317F
4 changed files with 49 additions and 42 deletions

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@ -1,43 +1,47 @@
(** Infer the type of a given term and, if exists, returns the type of the term *)
let rec typeof = function
| Term.Var id ->
(match Unification.unify (Type.Var id) Type.Int with
| Some _ -> Some Type.Int
| None -> Some (Type.Var id))
| Term.IntConst _ -> Some Type.Int
| Term.Binop (t1, _, t2) ->
(* Both operands must have type Int *)
(match typeof t1, typeof t2 with
| Some ty1, Some ty2 ->
(match Unification.unify ty1 Type.Int, Unification.unify ty2 Type.Int with
| Some _, Some _ -> Some Type.Int
| _ -> None)
| _, _ -> None)
| Term.Pair (t1, t2) ->
(match typeof t1, typeof t2 with
| Some ty1, Some ty2 -> Some (Type.Product (ty1, ty2))
| _, _ -> None)
| Term.Proj (proj, t) ->
(* Check if the term is a pair *)
(match typeof t with
| Some (Type.Product (ty1, ty2)) ->
(match proj with
| Term.First -> Some ty1
| Term.Second -> Some ty2)
| _ -> None)
| Term.Fun (id, body) ->
(match typeof body with
| Some ty_body ->
(match typeof (Term.Var id) with
| Some tt -> Some (Type.Arrow (tt, ty_body))
| None -> Some (Type.Arrow (Type.Var id, ty_body)))
| _ -> None)
| Term.App (t1, t2) ->
(* Check if the function type matches the arguments *)
(match typeof t1, typeof t2 with
| Some (Type.Arrow (ty_param, ty_fn)), Some ty_args ->
(match Unification.unify ty_param ty_args with
| Some _ -> Some ty_fn
| None -> None)
| _, _ -> None)
let typeof t =
let rec infer env = function
| Term.Var id ->
( (match TypeSubstitution.find id env with
| Some ty -> Some ty
| None -> Some (Type.Var id))
, env )
| Term.IntConst _ -> Some Type.Int, env
| Term.Binop (t1, _, t2) ->
(* Both operands must have type Int *)
(match infer env t1, infer env t2 with
| (Some ty1, _), (Some ty2, _) ->
(match Unification.unify ty1 Type.Int, Unification.unify ty2 Type.Int with
| Some env1, Some env2 -> Some Type.Int, TypeSubstitution.compose env1 env2
| _ -> None, env)
| _, _ -> None, env)
| Term.Pair (t1, t2) ->
(match infer env t1, infer env t2 with
| (Some ty1, _), (Some ty2, _) -> Some (Type.Product (ty1, ty2)), env
| _, _ -> None, env)
| Term.Proj (proj, t) ->
(* Check if the term is a pair *)
(match infer env t with
| Some (Type.Product (ty1, ty2)), _ ->
(match proj with
| Term.First -> Some ty1, env
| Term.Second -> Some ty2, env)
| _ -> None, env)
| Term.Fun (id, body) ->
(match infer env body with
| Some ty_body, env' ->
(match infer env' (Term.Var id) with
| Some ty, _ -> Some (Type.Arrow (ty, ty_body)), env'
| None, _ -> Some (Type.Arrow (Type.Var id, ty_body)), env')
| _ -> None, env)
| Term.App (t1, t2) ->
(* Check if the function type matches the arguments *)
(match infer env t1, infer env t2 with
| (Some (Type.Arrow (ty_param, ty_fn)), _), (Some ty_args, _) ->
(match Unification.unify ty_param ty_args with
| Some _ -> Some ty_fn, env
| None -> None, env)
| _, _ -> None, env)
fst (infer TypeSubstitution.empty t)

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@ -37,3 +37,5 @@ let compose s2 s1 =
let find = IdentifierMap.find_opt

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@ -6,3 +6,4 @@ val apply : t -> Type.t -> Type.t
val compose : t -> t -> t
val empty : t
val singleton : Identifier.t -> Type.t -> t
val find : Identifier.t -> t -> Type.t option

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@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ let tests_typeof =
, Term.(Fun (x, Fun (y, Binop (Var x, Plus, Var y))))
, Some Type.(Arrow (Int, Arrow (Int, Int))) )
; (* Not typed variable *)
"x", Term.(Var "x"), None
"x", Term.(Var "x"), Some (Type.Var "x")
; (* Binary operation *)
"1 + 2", Term.(Binop (IntConst 1, Plus, IntConst 2)), Some Type.Int
; (* Pair *)