(** Infer the type of a given term and, if exists, returns the type of the term *) let typeof t = let rec infer env = function | Term.Var id -> TypeSubstitution.find id env, env | Term.IntConst _ -> Some Type.Int, env | Term.Binop (t1, _, t2) -> (* Both operands must have type Int *) (match infer env t1, infer env t2 with | (Some ty1, _), (Some ty2, _) -> (match Unification.unify ty1 Type.Int, Unification.unify ty2 Type.Int with | Some env1, Some env2 -> Some Type.Int, TypeSubstitution.compose env1 env2 | _ -> None, env) | _, _ -> None, env) | Term.Pair (t1, t2) -> (match infer env t1, infer env t2 with | (Some ty1, _), (Some ty2, _) -> Some (Type.Product (ty1, ty2)), env | _, _ -> None, env) | Term.Proj (proj, t) -> (* Check if the term is a pair *) (match infer env t with | Some (Type.Product (ty1, ty2)), _ -> (match proj with | Term.First -> Some ty1, env | Term.Second -> Some ty2, env) | Some (Type.Var id), env' -> (* Variable is a product *) (match TypeSubstitution.find id env' with | Some ty -> Some ty, env' | None -> None, env') (* Bad typed *) | _ -> None, env) | Term.Fun (id, body) -> let arg = TypeSubstitution.singleton id (Type.Var id) in (match infer (TypeSubstitution.compose arg env) body with | Some ty_body, env' -> (match infer env' (Term.Var id) with | Some ty, _ -> Some (Type.Arrow (ty, ty_body)), env' | None, _ -> Some (Type.Arrow (Type.Var id, ty_body)), env') | _ -> None, env) | Term.App (t1, t2) -> (* Infer the type of t1 and t2 *) (match infer env t1, infer env t2 with | (Some (Type.Arrow (ty_param, ty_fn)), _), (Some ty_args, _) -> (* Check if the argument type matches the parameter type *) (match Unification.unify ty_param ty_args with | Some env' -> let rec nested_infer oldenv currenv final = if TypeSubstitution.equal oldenv currenv then Some final, currenv else ( match infer currenv t1 with | Some (Type.Arrow (_, ty_fn)), newenv -> nested_infer currenv newenv ty_fn | _ -> None, currenv) in (* Nested *) nested_infer env env' ty_fn | None -> None, env) | _ -> None, env) in fst (infer TypeSubstitution.empty t) ;;