- Remove datetime dependencie
- Raise Error when there is an logic error when updating the csv file
- Fix bug when there is 2 date to update in CSV file
- Append 0 instead of nothing when updating the CSV file
- Update comments
- 🎉 Update the CSV file with the new price when validating a receipt
- `Stats` no longer depend on `Utilisateurs`
- Add a function who return all the date for today and the last week
- Use the new function when creating the CSV
- global format for the date
- Addings TODOs
- Auto-Update the CSV file when date in it are too old (update values in it too)
- Add dependencie `csv` in documentation
- Add quantity selection when removing something from stock (now you can delete an item, but set it's quantity to 0)
- Cleanup function names (`__affichagePanier`)
- Disable the button who confirm a receipt when nothing is in the basket
- Create the CSV file when starting the app
- Add a function who update dates in the global csv file