use clap::Parser;
mod ics;
mod info;
mod timetable;
mod utils;
#[clap(version, about, long_about = None)]
struct Args {
/// Class
#[clap(short, long, value_parser)]
class: i8,
/// Subgroup if you have one, for example in `L1-A`, specify here the `A`
letter: Option<char>,
async fn main() {
let args = Args::parse();
println!("class: L{}{}", args.class, args.letter.unwrap_or_default());
/* println!("Fetch the timetable...");
let timetable = timetable::timetable(3, 1, None).await;
println!("Fetch informations about the year...");
let info = info::info().await;
println!("Build the ICS file...");
let builded_timetable = timetable::build(timetable, info);
ics::export(builded_timetable, "target/debug.ics"); */