This commit is contained in:
1 changed files with 29 additions and 45 deletions
@ -1,33 +1,33 @@
type reg =
| Zero (* Toujours à zéro *)
| V0 (* Valeurs de retours *)
| V1 (* .................. *)
| A0 (* Premiers arguments des fonctions *)
| A1 (* ................................ *)
| A2 (* ................................ *)
| A3 (* ................................ *)
| T0 (* Registres temporaires *)
| T1 (* ..................... *)
| T2 (* ..................... *)
| T3 (* ..................... *)
| T4 (* ..................... *)
| T5 (* ..................... *)
| T6 (* ..................... *)
| T7 (* ..................... *)
| T8 (* ..................... *)
| T9 (* ..................... *)
| S0 (* Registres sauvegardés *)
| S1 (* ..................... *)
| S2 (* ..................... *)
| S3 (* ..................... *)
| S4 (* ..................... *)
| S5 (* ..................... *)
| S6 (* ..................... *)
| S7 (* ..................... *)
| GP (* Global pointer *)
| SP (* Stack pointer *)
| FP (* Frame pointer *)
| RA (* Adresse de retour *)
| Zero
| V0
| V1
| A0
| A1
| A2
| A3
| T0
| T1
| T2
| T3
| T4
| T5
| T6
| T7
| T8
| T9
| S0
| S1
| S2
| S3
| S4
| S5
| S6
| S7
| GP
| SP
| FP
| RA
type label = string
@ -41,10 +41,7 @@ type instr =
| La of reg * loc
| Sw of reg * loc
| Lw of reg * loc
| Sb of reg * loc
| Lb of reg * loc
| Move of reg * reg
| Neg of reg * reg
| Addi of reg * reg * int
| Add of reg * reg * reg
| Mul of reg * reg * reg
@ -53,8 +50,6 @@ type instr =
| Slt of reg * reg * reg
| Syscall
| B of label
| Beq of reg * reg * label
| Bne of reg * reg * label
| Beqz of reg * label
| Jal of label
| J of label
@ -70,12 +65,8 @@ type asm =
module Syscall = struct
let print_int = 1
let print_float = 2
let print_double = 3
let print_str = 4
let read_int = 5
let read_float = 6
let read_double = 7
let read_str = 8
let sbrk = 9
let exit = 10
@ -124,10 +115,7 @@ let fmt_instr ?(indent = " ") = function
| La (r, a) -> Printf.sprintf "%sla %s, %s" indent (fmt_reg r) (fmt_loc a)
| Sw (r, a) -> Printf.sprintf "%ssw %s, %s" indent (fmt_reg r) (fmt_loc a)
| Lw (r, a) -> Printf.sprintf "%slw %s, %s" indent (fmt_reg r) (fmt_loc a)
| Sb (r, a) -> Printf.sprintf "%ssb %s, %s" indent (fmt_reg r) (fmt_loc a)
| Lb (r, a) -> Printf.sprintf "%slb %s, %s" indent (fmt_reg r) (fmt_loc a)
| Move (rd, rs) -> Printf.sprintf "%smove %s, %s" indent (fmt_reg rd) (fmt_reg rs)
| Neg (r, a) -> Printf.sprintf "%sneg %s, %s" indent (fmt_reg r) (fmt_reg a)
| Addi (rd, rs, i) ->
Printf.sprintf "%saddi %s, %s, %d" indent (fmt_reg rd) (fmt_reg rs) i
| Add (rd, rs, rt) ->
@ -142,10 +130,6 @@ let fmt_instr ?(indent = " ") = function
Printf.sprintf "%sslt %s, %s, %s" indent (fmt_reg rd) (fmt_reg rs) (fmt_reg rt)
| Syscall -> Printf.sprintf "%ssyscall" indent
| B l -> Printf.sprintf "%sb %s" indent l
| Beq (rs, rt, l) ->
Printf.sprintf "%sbeq %s, %s, %s" indent (fmt_reg rs) (fmt_reg rt) l
| Bne (rs, rt, l) ->
Printf.sprintf "%sbne %s, %s, %s" indent (fmt_reg rs) (fmt_reg rt) l
| Beqz (r, l) -> Printf.sprintf "%sbeqz %s, %s" indent (fmt_reg r) l
| Jal l -> Printf.sprintf "%sjal %s" indent l
| J l -> Printf.sprintf "%sj %s" indent l
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