* add < to baselib
* loop support
This commit is contained in:
9 changed files with 53 additions and 4 deletions
@ -51,6 +51,11 @@ module Syntax = struct
; else_b : block
; pos : Lexing.position
| Loop of
{ expr : expr
; block : block
; pos : Lexing.position
| Return of
{ expr : expr
; pos : Lexing.position
@ -111,6 +116,7 @@ module IR (P : Parameters) = struct
| Assign of ident * expr
| Do of expr
| Cond of expr * block * block
| Loop of expr * block
| Return of expr
and block = instr list
@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ let _types_ =
; "%sub", Func_t (Int_t, [ Int_t; Int_t ])
; "%mul", Func_t (Int_t, [ Int_t; Int_t ])
; "%div", Func_t (Int_t, [ Int_t; Int_t ])
; "%big", Func_t (Bool_t, [ Int_t; Int_t ])
; "puti", Func_t (Void_t, [ Int_t ])
; "puts", Func_t (Void_t, [ Str_t ])
; "geti", Func_t (Int_t, [])
@ -23,6 +24,7 @@ let builtins =
; "%sub", [ Lw (T0, Mem (SP, 4)); Lw (T1, Mem (SP, 0)); Sub (V0, T0, T1) ]
; "%mul", [ Lw (T0, Mem (SP, 4)); Lw (T1, Mem (SP, 0)); Mul (V0, T0, T1) ]
; "%div", [ Lw (T0, Mem (SP, 4)); Lw (T1, Mem (SP, 0)); Div (V0, T0, T1) ]
; "%big", [ Lw (T0, Mem (SP, 4)); Lw (T1, Mem (SP, 0)); Slt (V0, T0, T1) ]
; "puti", [ Lw (A0, Mem (SP, 0)); Li (V0, Syscall.print_int); Syscall ]
; "puts", [ Lw (A0, Mem (SP, 0)); Li (V0, Syscall.print_str); Syscall ]
; "geti", [ Lw (A0, Mem (SP, 0)); Li (V0, Syscall.read_int); Syscall ]
@ -58,6 +58,20 @@ let rec compile_instr info = function
@ [ Label ("endif" ^ uniq) ]
; cnt = ceb.cnt
| Loop (e, b) ->
let uniq = string_of_int info.cnt in
let cb = compile_block { info with asm = []; cnt = info.cnt + 1 } b in
{ info with
asm =
@ [ Label ("while" ^ uniq) ]
@ compile_expr info.env e
@ [ Beqz (V0, "endwhile" ^ uniq) ]
@ cb.asm
@ [ J ("while" ^ uniq) ]
@ [ Label ("endwhile" ^ uniq) ]
; cnt = cb.cnt
| Do e -> { info with asm = info.asm @ compile_expr info.env e }
| Return e -> { info with asm = info.asm @ compile_expr info.env e @ [ B info.ret ] }
@ -22,6 +22,7 @@ rule token = parse
| "str" { Ltype (Str_t) }
| "if" { Lif }
| "else" { Lelse }
| "while" { Lwhile }
| '{' { Lbracedeb }
| '}' { Lbracefin }
| '(' { Lpardeb }
@ -33,6 +34,7 @@ rule token = parse
| '-' { Lsub }
| '*' { Lmul }
| '/' { Ldiv }
| '<' { Lbig }
| '"' { read_string (Buffer.create 16) lexbuf }
| ident as i { Lvar i }
| '#' { comment lexbuf }
@ -50,12 +50,14 @@ type instr =
| Mul of reg * reg * reg
| Sub of reg * reg * reg
| Div of reg * reg * reg
| Slt of reg * reg * reg
| Syscall
| B of label
| Beq of reg * reg * label
| Bne of reg * reg * label
| Beqz of reg * label
| Jal of label
| J of label
| Jr of reg
type directive = Asciiz of string
@ -136,6 +138,8 @@ let fmt_instr ?(indent = " ") = function
Printf.sprintf "%ssub %s, %s, %s" indent (fmt_reg rd) (fmt_reg rs) (fmt_reg rt)
| Div (rd, rs, rt) ->
Printf.sprintf "%sdiv %s, %s, %s" indent (fmt_reg rd) (fmt_reg rs) (fmt_reg rt)
| Slt (rd, rs, rt) ->
Printf.sprintf "%sslt %s, %s, %s" indent (fmt_reg rd) (fmt_reg rs) (fmt_reg rt)
| Syscall -> Printf.sprintf "%ssyscall" indent
| B l -> Printf.sprintf "%sb %s" indent l
| Beq (rs, rt, l) ->
@ -144,6 +148,7 @@ let fmt_instr ?(indent = " ") = function
Printf.sprintf "%sbne %s, %s, %s" indent (fmt_reg rs) (fmt_reg rt) l
| Beqz (r, l) -> Printf.sprintf "%sbeqz %s, %s" indent (fmt_reg r) l
| Jal l -> Printf.sprintf "%sjal %s" indent l
| J l -> Printf.sprintf "%sj %s" indent l
| Jr r -> Printf.sprintf "%sjr %s" indent (fmt_reg r)
@ -11,14 +11,14 @@
%token Lend Lassign Lsc Lreturn
%token Lbracedeb Lbracefin
%token Lpardeb Lparfin Lcomma
%token Ladd Lsub Lmul Ldiv
%token Lif Lelse
%token Ladd Lsub Lmul Ldiv Lbig
%token Lif Lelse Lwhile
%left Ladd Lsub Lmul Ldiv
%left Ladd Lsub Lmul Ldiv Lbig
%left Lbracedeb Lparfin Lbracefin Lreturn
%left Ltype Lbool Lint Lvar Lstr
%left Lif
%left Lif Lwhile
%start prog
@ -125,6 +125,11 @@ instr:
[ Cond { expr = e ; if_b = b ; else_b = [] ; pos = $startpos } ]
/* while (e) {} */
| Lwhile ; Lpardeb ; e = expr ; Lparfin ; b = block {
[ Loop { expr = e ; block = b ; pos = $startpos } ]
/* int */
| n = Lint {
@ -166,6 +171,11 @@ expr:
Call { func = "%div" ; args = [ a ; b ] ; pos = $startpos($2) }
/* e < e */
| a = expr ; Lbig ; b = expr {
Call { func = "%big" ; args = [ a ; b ] ; pos = $startpos($2) }
/* function(a */
| f = Lvar ; Lpardeb ; a = args_expr {
Call { func = f ; args = a ; pos = $startpos(a) }
@ -73,6 +73,10 @@ let rec analyze_instr env ua ret_t = function
let if_b, _ = analyze_block env ua Magic_t c.pos c.if_b in
let else_b, _ = analyze_block env ua Magic_t c.pos c.else_b in
Cond (cond, if_b, else_b), env, []
| Syntax.Loop l ->
let cond, _ = analyze_expr env ua Bool_t l.expr in
let block, _ = analyze_block env ua Magic_t l.pos l.block in
Loop (cond, block), env, []
| Syntax.Return r ->
let ae, _ = analyze_expr env ua ret_t r.expr in
Return ae, env, []
@ -39,6 +39,10 @@ let collect_constant_strings code =
let ib2, ccs2 = ccs_block ib in
let eb2, ccs3 = ccs_block eb in
IR2.Cond (e2, ib2, eb2), List.flatten [ ccs; ccs2; ccs3 ]
| IR1.Loop (e, b) ->
let e2, ccs = ccs_expr e in
let b2, ccs2 = ccs_block b in
IR2.Loop (e2, b2), List.flatten [ ccs; ccs2 ]
| IR1.Return e ->
let e2, ccs = ccs_expr e in
IR2.Return e2, ccs
@ -20,6 +20,7 @@ let debug_parser oc parsed =
| Syntax.Do d -> "Do (" ^ fmt_e d.expr ^ ")"
| Syntax.Cond c ->
"Cond (" ^ fmt_e c.expr ^ ", " ^ fmt_b c.if_b ^ ", " ^ fmt_b c.else_b ^ ")"
| Syntax.Loop l -> "Loop (" ^ fmt_e l.expr ^ ", " ^ fmt_b l.block ^ ")"
| Syntax.Return d -> "Return (" ^ fmt_e d.expr ^ ")"
and fmt_b b = " [ " ^ String.concat "\n ; " (List.map fmt_i b) ^ "\n ]"
and fmt_f = function
@ -59,6 +60,7 @@ let debug_semantics oc ast =
| Assign (v, e) -> "Assign (\"" ^ v ^ "\", " ^ fmt_e e ^ ")"
| Do e -> "Do (" ^ fmt_e e ^ ")"
| Cond (c, i, e) -> "Cond (" ^ fmt_e c ^ ", " ^ fmt_b i ^ ", " ^ fmt_b e ^ ")"
| Loop (c, b) -> "Loop (" ^ fmt_e c ^ ", " ^ fmt_b b ^ ")"
| Return e -> "Return (" ^ fmt_e e ^ ")"
and fmt_b b = "[ " ^ String.concat "\n; " (List.map fmt_i b) ^ " ]"
and fmt_f = function
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