add some comparisons instructions, and fix older one
This commit is contained in:
5 changed files with 58 additions and 55 deletions
@ -9,19 +9,19 @@ let _types_ =
; "%sub", Func_t (Int_t, [ Int_t; Int_t ])
; "%mul", Func_t (Int_t, [ Int_t; Int_t ])
; "%div", Func_t (Int_t, [ Int_t; Int_t ])
; "%big", Func_t (Bool_t, [ Int_t; Int_t ])
; "%sml", Func_t (Bool_t, [ Int_t; Int_t ])
; "%equ", Func_t (Bool_t, [ Int_t; Int_t ])
; "%neq", Func_t (Bool_t, [ Int_t; Int_t ])
; "%seq", Func_t (Bool_t, [ Int_t; Int_t ])
; "%sge", Func_t (Bool_t, [ Int_t; Int_t ])
; "%sgt", Func_t (Bool_t, [ Int_t; Int_t ])
; "%sle", Func_t (Bool_t, [ Int_t; Int_t ])
; "%slt", Func_t (Bool_t, [ Int_t; Int_t ])
; "%sne", Func_t (Bool_t, [ Int_t; Int_t ])
; "puti", Func_t (Void_t, [ Int_t ])
; "puts", Func_t (Void_t, [ Str_t ])
; "geti", Func_t (Int_t, [])
let builtins_special = [ "%equ"; "%neq" ]
let builtins uniq =
let builtins =
(fun env (fn, impl) -> Env.add fn impl env)
@ -29,28 +29,12 @@ let builtins uniq =
; "%sub", [ Lw (T0, Mem (SP, 4)); Lw (T1, Mem (SP, 0)); Sub (V0, T0, T1) ]
; "%mul", [ Lw (T0, Mem (SP, 4)); Lw (T1, Mem (SP, 0)); Mul (V0, T0, T1) ]
; "%div", [ Lw (T0, Mem (SP, 4)); Lw (T1, Mem (SP, 0)); Div (V0, T0, T1) ]
; "%big", [ Lw (T0, Mem (SP, 4)); Lw (T1, Mem (SP, 0)); Slt (V0, T0, T1) ]
; "%sml", [ Lw (T0, Mem (SP, 4)); Lw (T1, Mem (SP, 0)); Slt (V0, T1, T0) ]
; ( "%equ"
, [ Lw (T0, Mem (SP, 0))
; Lw (T1, Mem (SP, 4))
; Beq (T0, T1, "_equ" ^ uniq)
; Li (V0, 0)
; J ("_equend" ^ uniq)
; Label ("_equ" ^ uniq)
; Li (V0, 1)
; Label ("_equend" ^ uniq)
] )
; ( "%neq"
, [ Lw (T0, Mem (SP, 0))
; Lw (T1, Mem (SP, 4))
; Beq (T0, T1, "_neq" ^ uniq)
; Li (V0, 1)
; J ("_neqend" ^ uniq)
; Label ("_neq" ^ uniq)
; Li (V0, 0)
; Label ("_neqend" ^ uniq)
] )
; "%seq", [ Lw (T0, Mem (SP, 4)); Lw (T1, Mem (SP, 0)); Seq (V0, T0, T1) ]
; "%sge", [ Lw (T0, Mem (SP, 4)); Lw (T1, Mem (SP, 0)); Sge (V0, T0, T1) ]
; "%sgt", [ Lw (T0, Mem (SP, 4)); Lw (T1, Mem (SP, 0)); Sgt (V0, T0, T1) ]
; "%sle", [ Lw (T0, Mem (SP, 4)); Lw (T1, Mem (SP, 0)); Sle (V0, T0, T1) ]
; "%slt", [ Lw (T0, Mem (SP, 4)); Lw (T1, Mem (SP, 0)); Slt (V0, T0, T1) ]
; "%sne", [ Lw (T0, Mem (SP, 4)); Lw (T1, Mem (SP, 0)); Sne (V0, T0, T1) ]
; "puti", [ Lw (A0, Mem (SP, 0)); Li (V0, Syscall.print_int); Syscall ]
; "puts", [ Lw (A0, Mem (SP, 0)); Li (V0, Syscall.print_str); Syscall ]
; "geti", [ Lw (A0, Mem (SP, 0)); Li (V0, Syscall.read_int); Syscall ]
@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ type info =
let puf = "f_" (* prefix user function *)
let cnt_inline = ref (-1)
let compile_value = function
| Void -> [ Li (V0, 0) ]
@ -30,17 +29,10 @@ let rec compile_expr env = function
(fun a -> compile_expr env a @ [ Addi (SP, SP, -4); Sw (V0, Mem (SP, 0)) ])
let uniq =
if List.mem f Baselib.builtins_special
then (
incr cnt_inline;
string_of_int !cnt_inline)
else ""
List.flatten ca
if Env.mem f (Baselib.builtins uniq)
then Env.find f (Baselib.builtins uniq)
if Env.mem f Baselib.builtins
then Env.find f Baselib.builtins
else [ Jal (puf ^ f); Addi (SP, SP, 4 * List.length args) ]
@ -34,10 +34,12 @@ rule token = parse
| '-' { Lsub }
| '*' { Lmul }
| '/' { Ldiv }
| '<' { Lsmaller }
| '>' { Lbigger }
| "==" { Leq }
| "!=" { Lneq }
| "==" { Lseq }
| ">=" { Lsge }
| ">" { Lsgt }
| "<=" { Lsle }
| "<" { Lslt }
| "!=" { Lsne }
| '"' { read_string (Buffer.create 16) lexbuf }
| ident as i { Lvar i }
| '#' { comment lexbuf }
@ -47,7 +47,12 @@ type instr =
| Mul of reg * reg * reg
| Sub of reg * reg * reg
| Div of reg * reg * reg
| Seq of reg * reg * reg
| Sge of reg * reg * reg
| Sgt of reg * reg * reg
| Sle of reg * reg * reg
| Slt of reg * reg * reg
| Sne of reg * reg * reg
| Syscall
| B of label
| Beq of reg * reg * label
@ -127,8 +132,18 @@ let fmt_instr ?(indent = " ") = function
Printf.sprintf "%ssub %s, %s, %s" indent (fmt_reg rd) (fmt_reg rs) (fmt_reg rt)
| Div (rd, rs, rt) ->
Printf.sprintf "%sdiv %s, %s, %s" indent (fmt_reg rd) (fmt_reg rs) (fmt_reg rt)
| Seq (rd, rs, rt) ->
Printf.sprintf "%sseq %s, %s, %s" indent (fmt_reg rd) (fmt_reg rs) (fmt_reg rt)
| Sge (rd, rs, rt) ->
Printf.sprintf "%ssge %s, %s, %s" indent (fmt_reg rd) (fmt_reg rs) (fmt_reg rt)
| Sgt (rd, rs, rt) ->
Printf.sprintf "%ssgt %s, %s, %s" indent (fmt_reg rd) (fmt_reg rs) (fmt_reg rt)
| Sle (rd, rs, rt) ->
Printf.sprintf "%ssle %s, %s, %s" indent (fmt_reg rd) (fmt_reg rs) (fmt_reg rt)
| Slt (rd, rs, rt) ->
Printf.sprintf "%sslt %s, %s, %s" indent (fmt_reg rd) (fmt_reg rs) (fmt_reg rt)
| Sne (rd, rs, rt) ->
Printf.sprintf "%ssne %s, %s, %s" indent (fmt_reg rd) (fmt_reg rs) (fmt_reg rt)
| Syscall -> Printf.sprintf "%ssyscall" indent
| B l -> Printf.sprintf "%sb %s" indent l
| Beq (rs, rt, l) ->
@ -11,10 +11,10 @@
%token Lend Lassign Lsc Lreturn
%token Lbracedeb Lbracefin
%token Lpardeb Lparfin Lcomma
%token Ladd Lsub Lmul Ldiv Lbigger Lsmaller Leq Lneq
%token Ladd Lsub Lmul Ldiv Lseq Lsge Lsgt Lsle Lslt Lsne
%token Lif Lelse Lwhile
%left Ladd Lsub Lmul Ldiv Lbigger Lsmaller Leq Lneq
%left Ladd Lsub Lmul Ldiv Lbigger Lseq Lsge Lsgt Lsle Lslt Lsne
%left Lbracedeb Lparfin Lbracefin Lreturn
%left Ltype Lbool Lint Lvar Lstr
@ -171,24 +171,34 @@ expr:
Call { func = "%div" ; args = [ a ; b ] ; pos = $startpos($2) }
/* e < e */
| a = expr ; Lsmaller ; b = expr {
Call { func = "%big" ; args = [ a ; b ] ; pos = $startpos($2) }
/* e == e */
| a = expr ; Lseq ; b = expr {
Call { func = "%seq" ; args = [ a ; b ] ; pos = $startpos($2) }
/* e >= e */
| a = expr ; Lsge ; b = expr {
Call { func = "%sge" ; args = [ a ; b ] ; pos = $startpos($2) }
/* e > e */
| a = expr ; Lbigger ; b = expr {
Call { func = "%sml" ; args = [ a ; b ] ; pos = $startpos($2) }
| a = expr ; Lsgt ; b = expr {
Call { func = "%sgt" ; args = [ a ; b ] ; pos = $startpos($2) }
/* e == e */
| a = expr ; Leq ; b = expr {
Call { func = "%equ" ; args = [ a ; b ] ; pos = $startpos($2) }
/* e <= e */
| a = expr ; Lsle ; b = expr {
Call { func = "%sle" ; args = [ a ; b ] ; pos = $startpos($2) }
/* e < e */
| a = expr ; Lslt ; b = expr {
Call { func = "%slt" ; args = [ a ; b ] ; pos = $startpos($2) }
/* e != e */
| a = expr ; Lneq ; b = expr {
Call { func = "%neq" ; args = [ a ; b ] ; pos = $startpos($2) }
| a = expr ; Lsne ; b = expr {
Call { func = "%sne" ; args = [ a ; b ] ; pos = $startpos($2) }
/* function(a */
Reference in a new issue