open Ast open Lexing exception LexerError of char exception SemanticsError of string * Lexing.position exception SyntaxError of string let err msg pos = Printf.eprintf "Error on line %d col %d: %s.\n" pos.pos_lnum (pos.pos_cnum - pos.pos_bol) msg; exit 1 ;; let rec string_of_type_t = function | Magic_t -> "magic" | Void_t -> "void" | Int_t -> "int" | Bool_t -> "bool" | Str_t -> "str" | Func_t (r, a) -> (if List.length a > 1 then "(" else "") ^ String.concat ", " ( string_of_type_t a) ^ (if List.length a > 1 then ")" else "") ^ " -> " ^ string_of_type_t r ;; let errt expected given pos = raise (SemanticsError ( Printf.sprintf "Expected %s but given %s" (string_of_type_t expected) (string_of_type_t given) , pos )) ;; let warn msg (pos : Lexing.position) = Printf.eprintf "Warning on line %d col %d: %s.\n" pos.pos_lnum (pos.pos_cnum - pos.pos_bol) msg ;;