83 lines
2.8 KiB
83 lines
2.8 KiB
open Ast
open Ast.IR1
open Ast.V1
open Errors
let debug_parser oc parsed =
let rec fmt_v = function
| Syntax.Void -> "Void"
| Syntax.Int d -> "Int " ^ string_of_int d
| Syntax.Bool d -> "Bool " ^ string_of_bool d
| Syntax.Str s -> "Str \"" ^ s ^ "\""
and fmt_e = function
| Syntax.Val d -> "Val (" ^ fmt_v d.value ^ ")"
| Syntax.Var d -> "Var \"" ^ d.name ^ "\""
| Syntax.Call d ->
"Call (\"" ^ d.func ^ "\", [ " ^ String.concat " ; " (List.map fmt_e d.args) ^ " ])"
and fmt_i = function
| Syntax.Decl d -> "Decl(" ^ string_of_type_t d.type_t ^ ") \"" ^ d.name ^ "\""
| Syntax.Assign d -> "Assign (\"" ^ d.var ^ "\", " ^ fmt_e d.expr ^ ")"
| Syntax.Do d -> "Do (" ^ fmt_e d.expr ^ ")"
| Syntax.Cond c ->
"Cond (" ^ fmt_e c.expr ^ ", " ^ fmt_b c.if_b ^ ", " ^ fmt_b c.else_b ^ ")"
| Syntax.Loop l -> "Loop (" ^ fmt_e l.expr ^ ", " ^ fmt_b l.block ^ ")"
| Syntax.Return d -> "Return (" ^ fmt_e d.expr ^ ")"
and fmt_b b = " [ " ^ String.concat "\n ; " (List.map fmt_i b) ^ "\n ]"
and fmt_f = function
| Syntax.Func d ->
let s = if List.length d.args > 0 then " " else "" in
"Func ( "
^ string_of_type_t d.type_t
^ ", \""
^ d.func
^ "\", ["
^ s
^ String.concat
", "
(fun a ->
match a with
| Syntax.Arg a -> "(" ^ string_of_type_t a.type_t ^ ")" ^ a.name ^ "")
^ s
^ "], [\n"
^ fmt_b d.code
^ "])"
and fmt_p p = "[ " ^ String.concat "\n; " (List.map fmt_f p) ^ "\n]" in
Printf.fprintf oc "%s\n" (fmt_p parsed)
let debug_semantics oc ast =
let rec fmt_v = function
| Void -> "Void"
| Int n -> "Int " ^ string_of_int n
| Bool b -> "Bool " ^ string_of_bool b
| Str s -> "Str \"" ^ s ^ "\""
and fmt_e = function
| Val v -> "Val (" ^ fmt_v v ^ ")"
| Var v -> "Var \"" ^ v ^ "\""
| Call (f, a) ->
"Call (\"" ^ f ^ "\", [ " ^ String.concat " ; " (List.map fmt_e a) ^ " ])"
and fmt_i = function
| Decl v -> "Decl \"" ^ v ^ "\""
| Assign (v, e) -> "Assign (\"" ^ v ^ "\", " ^ fmt_e e ^ ")"
| Do e -> "Do (" ^ fmt_e e ^ ")"
| Cond (c, i, e) -> "Cond (" ^ fmt_e c ^ ", " ^ fmt_b i ^ ", " ^ fmt_b e ^ ")"
| Loop (c, b) -> "Loop (" ^ fmt_e c ^ ", " ^ fmt_b b ^ ")"
| Return e -> "Return (" ^ fmt_e e ^ ")"
and fmt_b b = "[ " ^ String.concat "\n ; " (List.map fmt_i b) ^ "\n ]"
and fmt_f = function
| Func (f, args, b) ->
let s = if List.length args > 0 then " " else "" in
"Func ( "
^ f
^ ", ["
^ s
^ String.concat " ; " args
^ s
^ "], [\n"
^ fmt_b b
^ "])\n"
and fmt_p p = "[ " ^ String.concat "\n; " (List.map fmt_f p) ^ "]" in
Printf.fprintf oc "%s\n" (fmt_p ast)