feat: command archive #55

loonatiny merged 6 commits from dev into main 2023-01-17 14:28:59 +01:00
4 changed files with 255 additions and 1 deletions

View file

@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
import { SlashCommandBuilder } from '@discordjs/builders';
import { ChannelType, Client, CommandInteraction, EmbedBuilder } from 'discord.js';
import { getLocale, getLocalizations } from '../../utils/locales';
import { getFilename } from '../../utils/misc';
import '../../modules/string';
export default {
data: (client: Client) => {
const filename = getFilename(__filename);
return new SlashCommandBuilder()
?.get(`c_${filename}_desc`) ?? '')
getLocalizations(client, `c_${filename}_name`, true))
getLocalizations(client, `c_${filename}_desc`))
// Command option
.addStringOption(option => option
?.get(`c_${filename}_opt1_name`) ?? '')
?.get(`c_${filename}_opt1_desc`) ?? '')
getLocalizations(client, `c_${filename}_opt1_name`, true))
getLocalizations(client, `c_${filename}_opt1_desc`))
interaction: async (interaction: CommandInteraction, client: Client) => {
const loc = getLocale(client, interaction.locale);
const desired_cat = interaction.options.get(client
?.get(`c_${getFilename(__filename)}_opt1_name`) ?? '')?.value as string;
// If a category isn't specified
if (!desired_cat) {
// Sends a list of commands sorted into categories
return interaction.reply({
embeds: [
new EmbedBuilder()
// If a category is specified
const clean_cat = ['L1', 'L2', 'L3', 'M1', 'M2'];
const channel = clean_cat.includes(desired_cat);
if (!channel) {
// Category doesn't exist or is not included
return interaction.reply({
content: `${loc.get('c_archive3')} \`${desired_cat}\``,
ephemeral: true,
// Send information about the command
const allChannel = interaction.guild?.channels.fetch();
allChannel?.then(channel_guild => {
const cat_to_archive = channel_guild.filter(chan => chan.type == ChannelType.GuildCategory).filter(chan => chan.name == desired_cat);
const cat_to_archive_id = cat_to_archive.map(cat => cat.id);
const cat_to_archive_name = cat_to_archive.map(cat => cat.name);
const cat_archived = channel_guild.filter(chan => chan.type == ChannelType.GuildCategory).filter(chan => chan.name == 'archive - ' + desired_cat);
const cat_archived_id = cat_archived.map(cat => cat.id);
const cat_archived_name = cat_archived.map(cat => cat.name);
const all_channel_desired = channel_guild.filter(chan => chan.type == 0).filter(chan => chan.parentId == cat_to_archive_id[0]);
if (all_channel_desired.size == 0) {
return interaction.reply({
embeds: [
new EmbedBuilder()
// Loads the description
// according to the user's locals
const all_channel_desired_name = all_channel_desired.map(cg_d => cg_d.name);
all_channel_desired.forEach(elem =>
const list_cg_moved = all_channel_desired_name.toString().replaceAll(',', '\n');
return interaction.reply({
embeds: [
new EmbedBuilder()
.setTitle(loc.get('c_archive4') + cat_to_archive_name + loc.get('c_archive5') + cat_archived_name + '`')
// Loads the description
// according to the user's locals

src/commands/misc/prep.ts Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,117 @@
import { SlashCommandBuilder } from '@discordjs/builders';
import { ChannelType, Client, CommandInteraction, EmbedBuilder } from 'discord.js';
import { getLocale, getLocalizations } from '../../utils/locales';
import { getFilename } from '../../utils/misc';
import '../../modules/string';
export default {
data: (client: Client) => {
const filename = getFilename(__filename);
return new SlashCommandBuilder()
?.get(`c_${filename}_desc`) ?? '')
getLocalizations(client, `c_${filename}_name`, true))
getLocalizations(client, `c_${filename}_desc`))
// Command option
.addStringOption(option => option
?.get(`c_${filename}_opt1_name`) ?? '')
?.get(`c_${filename}_opt1_desc`) ?? '')
getLocalizations(client, `c_${filename}_opt1_name`, true))
getLocalizations(client, `c_${filename}_opt1_desc`))
interaction: async (interaction: CommandInteraction, client: Client) => {
const loc = getLocale(client, interaction.locale);
const desired_cat = interaction.options.get(client
?.get(`c_${getFilename(__filename)}_opt1_name`) ?? '')?.value as string;
// If a category isn't specified
if (!desired_cat) {
// Sends a list of commands sorted into categories
return interaction.reply({
embeds: [
new EmbedBuilder()
// If a category is specified
const clean_cat = ['L1', 'L2', 'L3', 'M1', 'M2'];
const channel = clean_cat.includes(desired_cat);
if (!channel) {
// Category doesn't exist or is not included
return interaction.reply({
content: `${loc.get('c_prep3')} \`${desired_cat}\``,
ephemeral: true,
// Send information about the command
const allChannel = interaction.guild?.channels.fetch();
allChannel?.then(channel_guild => {
const cat_to_prep = channel_guild.filter(chan => chan.type == ChannelType.GuildCategory).filter(chan => chan.name == desired_cat);
const cat_to_prep_id = cat_to_prep.map(cat => cat.id);
const cat_to_prep_name = cat_to_prep.map(cat => cat.name);
// console.log(cat_to_prep);
const all_channel_desired = channel_guild.filter(chan => chan.type == 0).filter(chan => chan.parentId == cat_to_prep_id[0]);
const all_channel_desired_name = all_channel_desired.map(c_d => c_d.name);
let desc = '';
const general = 'général';
if (all_channel_desired_name.filter(cdn => cdn == general).length == 0) {
name: general,
type: 0,
parent: cat_to_prep_id[0],
desc = general + loc.get('c_prep5') + '\n';
const info = 'informations';
if (all_channel_desired_name.filter(cdn => cdn == info).length == 0) {
name: info,
type: 0,
parent: cat_to_prep_id[0],
desc += info + loc.get('c_prep5') + '\n';
if (desc == '') {
desc = loc.get('c_prep6');
return interaction.reply({
embeds: [
new EmbedBuilder()
.setTitle(loc.get('c_prep4') + cat_to_prep_name)
// Loads the description
// according to the user's locals

View file

@ -16,6 +16,29 @@
"c_help2": "`/help <commande>` pour obtenir plus d'informations sur une commande.",
"c_help3": "Impossible de trouver :",
"c_archive_name": "Nettoyer",
"c_archive_desc": "Nettoyage pour le passage à niveau",
"c_archive_opt1_name": "catégorie",
"c_archive_opt1_desc": "Nom de la catégorie à nettoyer",
"c_archive1": "Liste des catégories soumis au nettoyage",
"c_archive2": "`L1`, `L2`, `L3`, `M1`, `M2`",
"c_archive3": "Impossible de trouver/nettoyer le salon :",
"c_archive4": "Listes des Salons archivés de la catégorie `",
"c_archive5": "` vers `",
"c_archive6": "Nettoyage",
"c_archive7": "Catégorie déjà nettoyée",
"c_prep_name": "Préparation",
"c_prep_desc": "Préparation des salons généraux pour la nouvelle année",
"c_prep_opt1_name": "année",
"c_prep_opt1_desc": "Nom de l'année à préparer'",
"c_prep1": "Liste des catégories soumis à la préparation",
"c_prep2": "`L1`, `L2`, `L3`, `M1`, `M2`",
"c_prep3": "Impossible de trouver/nettoyer le salon :",
"c_prep4": "Listes des Salons préparés `",
"c_prep5": "créé",
"c_prep6": "Pas besoin de préparation",
"u_time_at": "à",
"c_reminder_name": "rappel",

View file

@ -12,7 +12,9 @@
/* Language and Environment */
"target": "es6", /* Set the JavaScript language version for emitted JavaScript and include compatible library declarations. */
// "lib": [], /* Specify a set of bundled library declaration files that describe the target runtime environment. */
"lib": [
], /* Specify a set of bundled library declaration files that describe the target runtime environment. */
// "jsx": "preserve", /* Specify what JSX code is generated. */
// "experimentalDecorators": true, /* Enable experimental support for TC39 stage 2 draft decorators. */
// "emitDecoratorMetadata": true, /* Emit design-type metadata for decorated declarations in source files. */