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2023-10-04 15:40:22 +02:00

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(** This module defines a memory model. *)
(** A memory is data structure... *)
type 'a t
(** that maps locations... *)
type location
(** to blocks of data of type ['a]. *)
type 'a block
(** [create size] produces a fresh memory of [size] potential blocks. *)
val create : int -> 'a t
(** [allocate mem size init] produces a location that points to a fresh block
of size cells. These cells are initialized with [init]. *)
val allocate : 'a t -> Mint.t -> 'a -> location
(** The following exception is raised if no new block can be allocated in the
memory. *)
exception OutOfMemory
(** [dereference mem location] returns the block pointed by [location]. *)
val dereference : 'a t -> location -> 'a block
(** [size block] returns the length of a block. *)
val size : 'a block -> Mint.t
(** [read block i] returns the content of the i-th cell of the block *)
val read : 'a block -> Mint.t -> 'a
(** [write block i x] sets the content of the i-th cell of the block to [x]. *)
val write : 'a block -> Mint.t -> 'a -> unit
(** [array_of_block b] returns the cells of [b] packed in an array. *)
val array_of_block : 'a block -> 'a array
(** [print_location l] returns a human-readable representation of [l]. *)
val print_location : location -> string