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2023-10-04 15:40:22 +02:00

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(** This module offers a pretty-printer for Retrolix programs. *)
open PPrint
open RetrolixAST
let located f x = f (Position.value x)
let max_label_length c =
List.fold_left (fun m (Label l, _) -> max m (String.length l)) 0 c
let ( ++ ) x y =
x ^^ break 1 ^^ y
let vcat = separate_map hardline (fun x -> x)
type decorations = {
pre : label -> document list;
post : label -> document list;
let nodecorations = { pre = (fun _ -> []); post = (fun _ -> []) }
let rec program ?(decorations=nodecorations) p =
vcat ( (definition decorations) p)
and definition decorations = function
| DValues (xs, b) ->
group (string "globals" ++ parens (identifiers xs))
^^ hardline
^^ block decorations b ++ string "end" ^^ hardline
| DFunction (f, xs, b) ->
group (string "def"
++ function_identifier ~uppersand:false f
++ parens (identifiers xs))
^^ hardline
^^ block decorations b ++ string "end" ^^ hardline
| DExternalFunction f ->
group (string "external" ++ function_identifier ~uppersand:false f)
and block decorations (ls, b) =
let shift = max_label_length b in
locals ls ^^ vcat ( (labelled_instruction decorations shift) b)
and identifiers xs =
separate_map (comma ^^ space) identifier xs
and identifier (Id x) =
string x
and function_identifier ?(uppersand = true) (FId x) =
string (if uppersand then "&" ^ x else x)
and locals = function
| [] ->
| xs ->
group (string "local" ++ group (identifiers xs) ++ string ":") ^^ break 1
and labelled_instruction decorations lsize (l, i) =
vcat (
(decorations.pre l)
@ [ group (label lsize l ^^ group (instruction i) ^^ string ";") ]
@ ( l)
and label lsize (Label l) =
string (Printf.sprintf "%*s: " lsize l)
and instruction = function
| Call (f, xs, tail) ->
string "call" ++ rvalue f ++ parens (rvalues xs)
++ (if tail then string "tail" else empty)
| Ret ->
string "ret"
| Assign (l, o, rs) ->
lvalue l ++ string "<-" ++ string (op o) ++ rvalues rs
| Jump (Label l) ->
string "jump" ++ string l
| ConditionalJump (c, rs, Label l1, Label l2) ->
string "jumpif" ++ string (condition c) ++ rvalues rs
++ string "->" ++ string l1 ^^ string ", " ++ string l2
| Comment s ->
string (";; " ^ s)
| Switch (r, ls, default) ->
string "switch" ++ rvalue r
++ separate_map (break 0 ^^ comma ^^ space) slabel (Array.to_list ls)
++ (match default with None -> empty | Some l -> string "orelse" ++ slabel l)
| Exit ->
string "exit"
and slabel (Label s) =
string s
and lvalue = function
| `Variable x -> identifier x
| `Register r -> register r
and rvalue = function
| #lvalue as l -> lvalue l
| `Immediate l -> literal l
and rvalues rs =
separate_map (break 0 ^^ comma ^^ space) rvalue rs
and literal = function
| LInt x -> string (Mint.to_string x)
| LFun f -> function_identifier f
| LString s -> string ("\"" ^ String.escaped s ^ "\"")
| LChar c -> string ("'" ^ Char.escaped c ^ "'")
and register (RId x) = string ("%" ^ x)
and op = function
| Copy -> "copy"
| Add -> "add"
| Mul -> "mul"
| Div -> "div"
| Sub -> "sub"
| And -> "and"
| Or -> "or"
and condition = function
| GT -> "gt"
| LT -> "lt"
| GTE -> "gte"
| LTE -> "lte"
| EQ -> "eq"
let instruction i = group (instruction i)