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2022-12-13 17:10:14 +01:00

129 lines
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type type_t =
| Magic_t
| Void_t
| Int_t
| Bool_t
| Str_t
| Func_t of type_t * type_t list
module Syntax = struct
type ident = string
type value =
| Void
| Int of int
| Bool of bool
| Str of string
type expr =
| Val of
{ value : value
; pos : Lexing.position
| Var of
{ name : ident
; pos : Lexing.position
| Call of
{ func : ident
; args : expr list
; pos : Lexing.position
type instr =
| Decl of
{ name : ident
; type_t : type_t
; pos : Lexing.position
| Assign of
{ var : ident
; expr : expr
; pos : Lexing.position
| Do of
{ expr : expr
; pos : Lexing.position
| Cond of
{ expr : expr
; if_b : block
; else_b : block
; pos : Lexing.position
| Loop of
{ expr : expr
; block : block
; pos : Lexing.position
| Return of
{ expr : expr
; pos : Lexing.position
and block = instr list
type arg =
| Arg of
{ type_t : type_t
; name : ident
type args = arg list
type def =
| Func of
{ func : ident
; type_t : type_t
; args : args
; code : block
; pos : Lexing.position
type prog = def list
module type Parameters = sig
type value
module V1 = struct
type value =
| Void
| Int of int
| Bool of bool
| Str of string
module V2 = struct
type value =
| Void
| Int of int
| Bool of bool
| Data of string
module IR (P : Parameters) = struct
type ident = string
type expr =
| Val of P.value
| Var of ident
| Call of ident * expr list
type instr =
| Decl of ident
| Assign of ident * expr
| Do of expr
| Cond of expr * block * block
| Loop of expr * block
| Return of expr
and block = instr list
type def = Func of ident * ident list * block
type prog = def list
module IR1 = IR (V1)
module IR2 = IR (V2)